Being your typical imperfect, ordinary person like most of us here, this life has been a strange, mysterious unfolding. I am a very determined person committing to to DOING better than my natural tendency!
I have been fed, led, nourished, housed, helped, protected, graced, taught and uplifted. I have also struggled, suffered and abhorred my ego patterns. My whole adult life I have sought to grow and change ….. I have experienced agonizingly slow progress. But the difficulties of my life seem minor compared to many here on earth. I have been given SO MUCH!
What drives me forward? Make my life a gift of gratitude, my particular abilities a gift of help to others ….. dedicate all I have and all I can do to higher purposes. At this pivotal point in world history, I feel compelled to do my part for the highest good of all, to DO the change I pray for in the world. May all feel and respond to the urgent need to give of themselves, to serve others deeply at this critical time on our planet!
The Future Unfolding
Looking back on my life, it appears clearly to me I had been drawn through much needed growth and preparation as an artist, as a human being, with intention to serve higher callings. I felt I had been in preparation for what was to come.
By 2002 I felt my life was nearing its end. There were signs in my psyche some nights that I was nearing death. I was in a free fall, letting go of everything, of life itself while holding on to the Light. I felt deeply connected to all of humanity, and It seemed there was much darkness in that vast shared space. There was a form of communication taking place. In the face of whatever darkness might be encroaching, no matter what happened, I had to always stand with and for the Light, to always serve its benign force wherever I might be, .
On one particular evening, when at the end of my capacity to continue and feeling death near, I prayed that should I survive that night, if there was yet an important lesson I had to learn or something more I had to accomplish for the Light and for Adi Da, that these be made clear to me.
In the next moment I was swept away and lost in sleep for the first time in days on an unknown drug a friend had given my husband Loren to help me. It gave me 3 desperately needed hours of sleep. Upon awakening, I again felt connected at heart to all of humanity. I felt the depths of suffering and a spectrum of higher possibilities of selfless Love and boundless Living Light.
With the integration of this lesson, a beatific vision unfolded before my internal eye. It was a vision of a dome structure adorned exquisitely with intricate metal arches and high elaborate spires, shimmering gloriously beyond anything I had ever seen. The words “Peace…Cathedral” were spoken very, very slowly, along with the vision that lingered resplendent before my mind’s eye for long moments, piercing my being with overwhelming ecstasy. It felt like the Divine Itself arrayed in extreme Beauty beckoning me to give myself to its service …… a feeling far beyond what I could have ever dreamed or chosen.
Along with the vision and spoken words also pressed into my consciousness was the understanding that World Peace was to be served by bringing this templen into form. How this was to happen was beyond my capacity to imagine and still is. It was a calling that I simply had to trust, to do my best to serve and allow the future to unfold.
I named the temple “Great Swan Peace Cathedral” and began the metal art for it as soon as I was able to work again
The were countless engineering challenges and it took more than 3 years for a workable plan for construction to be found.
Now, after almost 20 years in the making, Great Swan Peace Cathedral is ready for people of the World to experience for themselves